Immune Response of Bacteria as a Model for the Invention of the Universal Applicable Gene Scissor CRISPR-Cas9

Immune Response of Bacteria as a Model for the Invention of the Universal Applicable Gene Scissor CRISPR-Cas9

The genome-editing method CRISPR was ranked in the December issue of the scientific journal “Science” as the scientific breakthrough of the year 2015. There is reason to believe that with CRISPR-Cas9 there is not only found another specialized tool for gene modification, but as a kind of universal technology an actually quantum leap in the repair and recombination of DNA parts will succeed. Since its development in 2012, this gene-cutter has been universally proven itself in use from microbes, through plants to animals as equally successful, easy to handle, more precise and time-saving as well as less expensive than its predecessors. CRISPR-Cas9 mimics the behavior of bacteria which effectively defend themselves against attacking viruses by recognizing and splitting extraneous DNA with the help of own gene segments, the Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, abbr. CRISPR.

Read and see more:
J. Travis. Breakthrough of the Year: CRISPR makes the cut CRISPR genome-editing technology shows its power. Science.  DOI: 10.1126/science.aad7554. Schnellzugang über

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