
Finding ideas which help to practically mitigate hidden hunger in Zambia and Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) requires thorough investigation and a solid knowledge of the state of affairs, preferably already worked out in research and development aid.

Quickfinder will permanently be updated and offers – in order of relevant keywords – quick access to relevant publications in the Scientific Papers, Reports & Commentaries, Best Practice and New Media columns. These contain, as a sort of instrument case, useful basic information on hidden hunger in Zambia and Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) and points of reference for creative-pragmatic enhancements as some kind of idea pool.

Hidden Hunger in Uganda

Efficiency level of micronutrients

Diagnosis hidden hunger

New media and digital technologies

Hidden hunger in Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire)

Nutrition in Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire)

Hidden hunger in Zambia

Global-Hunger-Index (GHI)

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPI) and the World Hunger Aid publish an annual report on the changes regarding the Global Hunger Index on...
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Hidden Hunger-Index

The hidden hunger Index serves as a measure of hidden hunger. This is the original definition quoted from the publication by S. Muthayya et al....
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Nutrition habits in Zambia


A concept for the self-production of foodstuffs that complement corn as the basic food and reduce stunting as a symptom of hidden hunger in a...
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Hidden hunger as risk factor for diseases in Zambia

Malnutrition and Infection Diseases

Mangelernährung und Infektionskrankheiten verstärken sich wechselseitig. Doch bislang fokussieren sich Programme der Entwicklungshilfe entweder auf die Beseitigung des verborgenen Hungers oder auf die Ursachen von...
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