Innovative concepts are needed to combat hidden hunger in the long term. Students4Kids’ project partners are convinced that young academics in Germany and in the countries most affected by hidden hunger have the know-how and motivation to develop such ideas. Bringing together the communities suffering from malnutrition and the innovators is the best way to go. In cooperation with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the Assmann Foundation for Prevention sought out young academics who – together or as a team – should develop a project against hidden hunger. The first partner country was Zambia in 2016. It was followed by competitions in Ivory Coast (2017) and Uganda (2018).
Supported by the extensive materials and direct contact persons of the initiative, the participants of the competition design their own innovative and practical solutions. They are going through different phases of competition. At the beginning there is the submission of a first idea sketch: the idea should be presented briefly and concisely. All submitted sketches will be presented on the Students4Kids website for a public voting, the result of which will be incorporated into the selection of up to ten best ideas by the jury of experts. In the second phase, the selected teams develop their ideas – supported by an innovation grant from the foundation – into mature concepts. The jury meets again. As finalists at the final event in Berlin, three teams of the pre-selection will then be given the opportunity to pitch for the victory and 10,000 euros in funding for the implementation of their project in Uganda in front of a specialist audience.
The aim of the submitted project ideas is to initiate and support long-term changes in nutritional behaviour in the respective target country. The projects take into account the real conditions on site and involve local partners. The exact competition criteria can be found in the project manual of the competition.
As a result of the competition, not only outstanding ideas are created, the best of which is implemented and contributes to improving the nutritional situation in the partner country, but also a sustainable network of like-minded students and experts is created.
The winning team Jolien Maltzahn and Wieland Buschmann of Münster University of Applied Sciences will receive EUR 10,000 to implement their project in Uganda. The ten pre-selection teams that worked out their concept in the second phase of the competition and were given the opportunity to present it at the big Summit in Berlin in October 2018 were supported with an innovation scholarship from the Assmann Foundation for Prevention during the concept phase.
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