The Preselection

Interviews With Our Scholarship Holders 2018

Over 80 groups of students submitted their creative project ideas in this year’s Students4Kids competition to improve the nutrition situation in Uganda – a new record! Accordingly, the jury of renowned experts had a particularly difficult time selecting those entries that would make it into the next phase of the competition to develop a well-founded concept.

After numerous, long discussions, the jury selected eight promising project ideas to fight hidden hunger in Uganda.

We wanted to take a closer look at these projects and sat down with the eight teams of creative and ambitious students that have moved on to the next stage of the competition. During our conversations, we talked about their motivation, their project ideas, and the tremendous impact that hidden hunger has.

The Preselection

App for Uganda against Hidden Hunger

Modern technologies – smartphones in particular – are rapidly spreading in Uganda. We believe there is a lot of potential here, which is why our project wants to use technology to optimize helping those in need.

Help People Help Themselves

Our project aims to help the people of Uganda to cope with hidden hunger without much effort and change within their daily lives.

Sauerkraut & Kimchi in Uganda

It is our goal to promote and spread traditional processing and conserving methods of green leafy vegetables in Uganda.

CosmA – Vitamin A-enriched skin care oil

CosmA is innovative and ingenious. It combines something fundamental – namely breastfeeding – with an improved supply of vitamin A starting from the day a baby is born.

Fish farming a solution to Kwashiorkor in children

The project idea to fight hidden hunger through fish farming was observed by the team members to be a cheap and easy means of supplying proteins and other micronutrients to children and pregnant mothers.

Proper Nutrition – A Bright Future

The project idea was developed basing on results from a study conducted in Ongino sub-county, Kumi district which revealed high malnutrition rates and need for caretakers’ education about nutrition.

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