Food Security Through the Strengthening of a Regional Value Chain

Food Security Through the Strengthening of a Regional Value Chain

By promoting the farming production and marketing of the crop at the same time, the GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) is testing in an EU-funded project a combination of success factors in order to ensure food security in the rural areas of Madagascar, even under changing climatic conditions. Unlike the classical approach to combat food insecurity, the project targets to strengthen the last component of the value chain, the structures of consumption and distribution. The project starts with the linkage of initial business connections between farmers and companies which may be potential purchasers of the farmers’ agricultural products, while including regional authorities throughout the process.

As a result of this comparison of interests the revenue growth of castor oil, honey, beans and goat meat has been selected as a step for the establishment of a new value chain. Also training of farmers in production techniques are based on the expectations of all interested parties. According to GIZ, 6,600 households so far have been benefiting in the south and southeast of Madagascar from this project. As particularly profitable proves the refined breeding of domestic castor bean plants for the extraction of oil and the sale of locally produced hybrid seeds.

Read more: (German article)
Verknüpfung ländlicher Produzenten mit Abnehmern. Die Entwicklung von Wertschöpfungsketten: Ein betriebswirtschaftlicher Ansatz zur Stärkung der Resilienz ruraler Haushalte. GIZ 2015. Zugang über die Links: and world / 29293.html

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