German Development Policy-Agenda until 2030 from the Perspective of NGOs: Food Security Should Be a Priority

German Development Policy-Agenda until 2030 from the Perspective of NGOs: Food Security Should Be a Priority

In its annual report The reality of German development policy, the children’s aid organization Terre des hommes and Welthungerhilfe critically assess the German development policy and deduce urgent priorities for development cooperation up to the year 2030 (1). From the point of view of the two non-governmental organizations, greater efforts are needed in crisis prevention to combat the causes of migration and displacement. In addition to preventive actions to resolve conflicts and prevent instability, tackling hunger and malnutrition should be considered as a prioritized topic.

The German Government is spending around one billion euros in the initiative EINEWELT ohne Hunger (ONEWORLD without Hunger) to combat hunger and malnutrition (2). These funds are currently being invested in six fields of action (food security, resilience, innovation, structural change, soil protection and land policy). In the future, from the point of view of the two NGOs, these funds should be used primarily for food security in developing countries in order to effectively avert crises. Terre des hommes and Welthungerhilfe recommend the maintenance of development policy as an independent department in the future federal government.

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(1) (German Source) Terre des hommes und Welthungerhilfe. Jahresbericht 2017. Kompass 2030. Die Wirklichkeit der Deutschen Entwicklungspolitik 2016, available at:

(2) (German Source) Sonderinitiative EINEWELT ohne Hunger: Globalvorhaben Ernährungssicherung und Resilienzstärkung des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung and

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