

A concept for the self-production of foodstuffs that complement corn as the basic food and reduce stunting as a symptom of hidden hunger in a targeted manner, is the result of a current German-Zambian study.

At the same time, the project teaches biometrics so that symptoms of hidden hunger can be classified properly. It is also recommended to sell surplus products from cultivation and to use the resulting income to buy nutritious meals for the family and to make use of doctor’s visits and nutritional consultation.

Read and see more:
Thünen-Institut. Bessere Nahrung für den Nachwuchs.

Mofya-Mukuka R, Kuhlgatz C (2015) Child malnutrition, agricultural diversification and commercialization among smallholders in Eastern Zambia. Lusaka: IAPRI, 24 p, Working Paper IAPRI 90. http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/198189/1/wp90_rev.pdf

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