Virtual Food Sharing

Short description

Sharing food – easier than ever before.

Which problem do I/we aim to solve ‐ and why?

While enjoying you meal, have you ever thought about how nice it would be to share your food with people suffering from hunger? – Yes?
Before visiting this website, have you ever heard about hidden hunger and its consequences? – No?
You’re not the only one! I believe that many people would love to participate actively in the fight against hunger but so far there is no simple, fast and funny way of doing so.

Nonetheless my proposed solution shall not only fill this gap: Worldwide, about 2 million people are affected from micronutrient deficiencies. It is interesting that although there is sufficient arable land in Zambia available, there is a lack of financial resources and know-how to order till the fields. Through sufficient donations, there shall be more information about hidden hunger and local farmers shall be supported with the tilling of their fields. This would create a long-term improvement of the living conditions in Zambia.

Our/My idea for a solution

The basic idea is to develop an app through which everyone, at any time, as needed and without much effort can actively participate in the fight against hidden hunger.

The gist of the app:

  • First, a certain amount of people can be virtually “invited” to eat a meal. Then you can choose the dish which is consumed at that moment from a list. The selected meal will be converted into an equivalent value (amount of money) and donated. You could, for example, virtually invite two people to have Spaghetti Napoli with you and thereby donate an equivalent amount of 1 €.

Also important:

  • Through rankings, such as “most invitations” or “healthy meal” users should be motivated and actively take part with fun.
  • The app shall include a forum as well, in which the user is informed about the projects the donations are used for.

With the help of the collected donations an information center in which for example agricultural equipment could be lent or nutritional supplements as well as seeds could be issued shall be set up.

Why is my/our solution an innovative idea and tackles the challenge from a new perspective

Currently there is no possibility to get involved quickly, whenever needed and with an immediate, positive feedback in the fight against (hidden) hunger via the smartphone. Especially great in this proposed solution is that it is cost-effective and long-effectively by combining the idea of an app and an information center.

How is my/our idea feasible?

We want an app that is easy to understand and simple designed. This concept allows a fast and smooth realization. The future development of the information center is possible, but needs to be further elaborated.

Which methods and channels do I/we want to utilise?

The app shall be available for iOS and Android smartphones. Further advertisement for the app can be placed via print media and radio.

What’s my/our expected outcome and improvement?

Through a simply designed app we expect to generate more fun on giving donations and a higher awareness for hidden hunger. The success could be measured by the growth of users and their activity.

What's my/our budget and which partners I/we would expect to be valuable

For programming the app, costs of € 16,000 were calculated. With the help of university groups such as Engineers Without Borders for example, the information center could be built. Valuable industrial partners are manufacturers of medication and agricultural equipment.

Virtual Food Sharing

Team: Lea Müller

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