Eagles and Angels

Short description
  1. Having shared testimonies by the victims
  2. Wall of fame for the Eagles (= thos that prevailed) and the Angels (= those that care for the victims)
  3. Diagnoses from nutritionists and referrals to Mwanamugimu Nutritional Unit at the Mulago hospital
  4. Supply basic food to impoverished households with children below the age of 5
  5. Gather pregnent women and child caretakers for nutrition classes on selected days in selected communities

The problem we aim to solve

Malnutrition in general because:

  1. I almost lost my 1-year old boy to acute malnutrition (oedema) and had to resign from my banking career.
  2. The numbers keep growing, there are new cases everyday on the nutrition unit at Mulago hospital.
  3. People are ignorant of the severity of effects of poor feeding (under-/overnutrition)
  4. There is no priority in the National Budget concerning nutrition for pregnent mothers and children below the age of 5.
  5. The climate change is making matters worse and we need to prepare for the worst by having a Plan B.

Our solution
  1. Wall of Fame: Everybody would like to be the best to make it to the Wall of Fame.
  2. Testimonies: People who went through micronutrient deficiency tell their story.
  3. Diagnoses from nutritionists: The government needs to reach as many people as possible. It could be they are unaware of the severity of the situation, especially in areas they are unable to reach.
  4. Food supplies: We can reach many communities with the supplies from government through our infrastructure or reach communities with our supplies through government infrastructure.
  5. Health clinics: Pregnant women need to know that it all begins with them. They need to learn how they are supposed to feed their new-born child until they are at least 5-years of age. Ignorance should no longer be an excuse.

The innovativeness of our approach

The Wall of Fame:

If we put up photos and names of people showing how they began and how their situation improved after improving their diet, as well as people who have supported them in their fight, this will cause positive change and create a ripple effect in the neighboring communities.

Technologies and Methods

  1. Technologies:
  • Public Adress Systems for large masses
  • Bulk SMS in local dialects (the majority of people own at least feature phones)
  • Projectors for visual and audio illustrations
  1. Channels:
  • Radio in local dialects (most people own a radio)
  • Visual charts with food classifications
  1. Methods
  • Music, dance & drama
  • story telling
  • food preperation demos
  • distributing feeding and feeding timings

Potential Partners

Potential partners are:

  • Mwanamugimu Nutrition Unit in Mulago National Referral Hospital
  • NSSF (i.e. “Friends with benefits”-Project)
  • Ministry of Health
  • Health marketing groups
  • Ministry of Disaster Preparedness
  • Philanthropists (i.e. Billionaire clubs like “Kwagalana Group”)
  • Churches and church organizations


Voting ends on June 24, 2018, 11:59 pm (CEST).

Eagles and Angels

Team: Angella Rachel Nanziri

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