+49 0251 – 862176 info@assmann-stiftung.de


And this is how it goes

On this page you can download the application form. Completed forms can be submitted via e-mail to our project office (students4kids@helliwood.de).

Application deadline: May 14, 2017

For the purposes of your investigation, you will receive a free digital subscription for the F.A.Z. daily newspaper for six months here.

All ideas submitted will be examined by a jury and a team of experts as to their content. Once they are approved, they will be published on this website. Public voting starts on May 8, 2017. The number of votes your project obtains will directly influence the competitive assessment. Hint for all participants: mobilise your family, friends and acquaintances to vote for your idea on a regular basis. Deadline for voting: May 21, 2017

For all details regarding the competition’s time schedule, please see the following overview. For background information, klick here.

Please read conditions of participation


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