+49 0251 – 862176 info@assmann-stiftung.de

Friends & Sponsors

Promote our student competition – become a project partner!

The fight against hidden hunger is not a battle of our own. Many have already supported us by spreading the idea of the initiative and drawing attention to the issue of hidden hunger.

Would you also like to help in the reduction of meanwhile 2 billion affected people? We are looking for companies who want to support our initiative. Join us in making Hidden Hunger a topic at German and Zambian universities and simultaneously promote the intercultural and communicative skills of these young adults.

How? Maybe in the joint selection, evaluation and development of scientifically based approaches used to combat the hidden hunger or maybe through cooperations during the implementation of selected ideas on site in Zambia. It’s up to you.

At this point we want to thank all friends and sponsors who have already supported us. A special thanks goes to one of our supporters in Zambia:

The Amatheon Foundation was established in 2013 with the goal to tackle key issues that act as bottlenecks for growth in rural areas. The Foundation focuses on supporting those communities who want to take initiative in developing themselves and their region and who have a clear plan. The main focus lies in realizing the commercial and social opportunities presented by the food value chain, which dominates rural economic activity in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Let us talk about the possibilities of involving your company!

Gun Hellmich

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Senior Manager Kooperationen und Bildungsprojekte
Telefon: +49 (069) 75 91-11 24
E-Mail: g.hellmich@faz.de

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