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Mango Street Trees

Mango Street Trees

Zambia is well-suited for mango trees. They thrive along the roads, in gardens, in schoolyards, around the villages, in the bush and in the fields in which the Zambians currently plant their maize, their peanuts and pumpkin. The mango tress are rarely deliberately planted, watered infrequently and scarcely fertilized.

The Swiss organic farmer Markus Schär, also an employee of Commundo, a Swiss organization for development cooperation, described his impressions like above and is impressed by the taste and the smell of mangoes in Zambia.

Mangos are healthy: They contain B-vitamins, as well as vitamin E and C, in particular vitamin A and beta-carotene. People, who eat these fruits, support their vision, their immune system, skin regeneration and all of their metabolic processes in the body.

Read more (only availiable in German):
M. Schär: Über Kühe schreiben geht gerade nicht. 15.12.12015. Availiable at: www.bauernzeitung.ch/news-archiv/2015/sambia-blog-%C3%BCber-kuehe-schreiben-geht-gerade-nicht/#sthash.98H2uNIg.dpuf
Further articles (only availiable in German):
http://students4kids.org/students4kids-2/blog/nutzen-und-risiken-von-mikronaehrstoffen-im-ueberblick/ and

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