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How to make Hidden Hunger easily comprehensible to a broader audience

How to make Hidden Hunger easily comprehensible to a broader audience

Although hidden hunger is associated with the suffering of around 2 billion people, an easily understandable description of the interrelation between micronutrient deficiency and its sequelae is still lacking.

Potential ideas in finding a solution may arise from the presentations of German high school students that have been generated within the initiative Teens4Kids to educate their peers about malnutrition. Also, in this year’s fundraiser of “Bread for the World” with its slogan “Sated is not enough!” an educational film made for parishioners illustrates what micronutrient deficiency is and explains why the future needs healthy nutrition. The illustration that accompanies the Students4Kids competition wants to equally address students in Germany and Zambia.

Despite the mentioned ideas, there are still far too few, regionally specific Best Practice examples for a clear explanation to the problem of hidden hunger. Hidden hunger is a technical term originating from the English academic language. In Zambia for example seven tribal languages are recognized, according to the German Federal Foreign Office. English, the official national language, is used mainly in hospitals and less in everyday life on the countryside, which is peculiarly characterized by hidden hunger. In Zambia, hidden hunger might be easier to reduce if the problem of micronutrient deficiencies is communicated to the people is a clearly comprehensible way and if the corresponding solutions are discussed in a useful and wise manner. For these approaches the initiative Studenst4Kids seeks ideas, too.

Exemples to look at (partially in German only):

Illustration of hidden hunger in the initiative Teens4Kids – Gesundheit macht Schule. See also: PRECEDING PROJECT of the initiative http://students4kids.org/students4kids-2/vorlaeuferprojekt/

Explanatory movie Satt ist nicht genug! Zukunft braucht gesunde Ernährung. via http://www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de/mediathek/weitere-filme.html?hoverItem=10097 and http://www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de/themen/ernaehrung/57-aktion-brot-fuer-die-welt/satt-ist-nicht-genug.html

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