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Hidden Hunger migrates from the rural areas to the city - a focal point of the Berlin World Food Conference 2016

Hidden Hunger migrates from the rural areas to the city – a focal point of the Berlin World Food Conference 2016

How much political dynamite is attributed to the problem of hidden hunger even at the highest political level , shows the communiqué of the 8th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) at the Berlin World Food Conference as a component of the International Green Week, an international exhibition for the food, agricultural and horticultural industries. On the world’s biggest Summit of Ministers of Agriculture both politicians and experts urge to put urban food security as a policy priority on the global agenda. In addition to globalization, urbanization is considered a central future trend. Worldwide more and more people from rural areas are migrating to  rapidly growing urban conurbations. However, according to assessments by the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture the hunger migrates into the city as well which entails the risk of political unrest. How can the supply of the growing cities with healthy and safe food be ensured and how can vital rural areas be obtained, were two of the most important questions targeted during the Berlin World Food Conference, were around 2,000 representatives of politics, business, academia and civil society from 100 countries sought for answers. This international conference and the adjoining International Green Week was accompanied by a special event of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development , where the Students4Kids initiative was presented.

Read, see and hear more (unfortunately some sources are only avalaible in German):

The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) – the 2016 Berlin World Food Conference. Berlin – January 24 – 26, 2016. Link: http://www.gffa-berlin.de/en/gffa-2016-wie-ernaehren-wir-die-staedte-8-berliner-agrarministergipfel-verabschiedet-abschlusskommunique/

Ideen-Hunger. Präsentation von Students4Kids auf der Internationalen Grünen Woche in Berlin im Rahmen der BMZ-Aktion Eine Welt ohne Hunger am 18. Januar 2016. Link: http://www.bmz.de/de/zentrales_downloadarchiv/Service/160106_BMZ_Einladung_DinLang_GW-1.pdf


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