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A new food group-based score to assess the micronutrient adequacy of children in developing countries – created for a study on infants in Ethiopia

A new food group-based score to assess the micronutrient adequacy of children in developing countries – created for a study on infants in Ethiopia

Ethiopia just like Zambia is one of most affected countries in the world by hidden hunger. Ethiopian nutritional scientists have now developed jointly with their Belgian and American colleagues a score, to easily assess the microntrient intake of infants aged 6-12 months in Ethiopia.

The score is calculated based on seven food groups: plant parts (e.g. roots), legumes and nuts, vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables, other fruit and vegetables, meat as well as eggs and whey. On this basis, the degree of the micronutrient supply was calculated for vitamin A, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), calcium, iron and zinc. Also, the supply of protein and calories were estimated. As a result, statements on sensitivity and specificity of food intake in infants could be made.

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