Top 10 Health-Apps for Africa

Top 10 Health-Apps for Africa

The HealthCare Innovation Summit evaluated the current healthcare apps for Africa. As a result, a top 10 list for the best applications in year of 2015 was published. Among the top five are mostly apps that particularly promote the healthcare of mother and child.

  • # 1: Find-A-Med (helps the users to find the closest healthcare facility within Nigeria)
  • # 2: Kids-First-Aid (gives emergency information to parents and teachers while traveling in African countries, helping with local language barriers)
  • # 3: Hello Doctor (provides access to healthcare advice via live group chat forums, confidential one-on-one conversation or call backs from a doctor within 60 minutes)
  • # 4: MomConnect (supports registered women until the first birthday of their child through regular healthcare information)
  • # 5: Smart Health App (provides basic information on HIV/AIDs, malaria and tuberculosis including additional information on maternal, newborn and child health)


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Blog: Top 10 healthcare apps for Africa.


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