Nixtamalization – an Ancient Processing Technology of Maize to Prevent Malnutrition
If maize is solely consumed as a staple food for a prolonged period of time, this unbalanced diet can lead to niacin deficiency symptoms, which may manifest in pellagra disease. As a consequence dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia may occur.
A remedy to niacin deficiency can be the nixtamalization, an ancient processing technology from South America, in which maize grains are cooked and soaked for hours with alkaline substances like lime and wood ash, before they are suitable for further processing.
Effective, even conventionally-traditional processing techniques of maize are gaining importance in African countries, which are now suffering from the persistent drought. These countries include Zambia but also South Africa, which is according to an article in the FAZ newspaper stronger affected than previously known.
Read and see more:
Students4Kids. „Reports & Commentaries“ – Risk of malnutrition due to crop losses in the persisting drought period in southern Africa