Model Calculation

Model Calculation

The Copenhagen Consensus Initiative think tank creates economically calculable concepts of how world nutrition can be secured until the year 2015 despite the increasing population and how malnutrition can be avoided. An additional investment for instance of less than 700 million dollars a year could make it possible to eliminate iodium deficiency absolutely and vitamin A deficiency in pre-school children worldwide, as well as to drastically reduce anaemias during pregnancy. An increasingly global production of foodstuffs based on a scientific fundament would lead to a noticeable decline of food prices and form an efficient buffer against the effects of the climate change. According to them, it would also be effective to offer needsoriented advice to food producers over mobile phones. From an economic point of view, 1 dollar invested for the fight against malnutrition will generate economic advantages worth 18 dollars per country.

Read more:
H. S, Hoddinott J. Food Security and Nutrition Perpective Paper. Benefits and Costs of the Food Security and Nutrition Targets for the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Copenhagen Consensus Center Working Paper, November 2014 ( im Kommentar durch R. Spohrer).

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