Learning forums for the High-Quality Potato Cultivation in Uganda and Kenya

Learning forums for the High-Quality Potato Cultivation in Uganda and Kenya

A whole set of actions against malnutrition is linked to the promotion of high-quality and quantitative potato cultivation in Kenya and Uganda. The use of certified seed and plant protection, careful soil cultivation and fertilization as well as regionally adapted harvesting and harvesting methods have enabled a roughly fourfold increase in potato yields on nine test fields in Kenya. At the same time, harvest losses could be reduced from originally 33 % to only 2.5 %. Farmer Fields Days offered an effective learning forum for local small farmers. The new methods have been scientifically monitored and documented by the International Potato Research Center (CIP). Now the good experiences with potato cultivation will be applied to other long-term areas in Kenya and Uganda.

Read more
Transforming livelihoods with potato. In: CIP. International Potato Center. Seed Potato for Africa. Blog. Available via: https://cipotato.org/seed-potato-for-africa/

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