German Goats for Women in Karamora (Uganda)

German Goats for Women in Karamora (Uganda)

In Karamora in the north of Uganda a productive Ugandan-German goat cooperation against malnutrition has been established.
Through the aid program of Welthungerhilfe, supported  by the German Development Ministry and the “Landfrauenbund” (rural woman’s association), in each case 50 Thuringian Forest goats [The Thuringian Forest is located in the middle east of Germany.] are entrusting to Ugandan women’s groups. These take care of the animals together and are advised in the appropriate housing and feeding. A special vaccination program protects the animals from diseases.

With the goats, the Ugandan women in Karamora have a chance to improve their own living conditions and above all, to alleviate malnutrition in their children. Traditionally, men used to be the owners of goats. Currently, the animal stocks in Uganda are decimated as a result of drought, epidemics and tribal conflicts whereby a good livelihood of the shepherd families is rarely possible anymore.
With the Thuringian forest goats, nurtured and cared for by Ugandan women, a new chapter in livestock starts even in other respects. The German goats are not only considered robust and resistant. Above all, they give more milk than the East African (small) goats usually popular in the north of Uganda. A careful cross-breeding of more efficient goat species into the goat breed spread in Karamora will, in the longer term, contribute to provide more micronutrient-rich milk for the Ugandan children.

Read more:
Welthungerhilfe. Blog Uganda. Ziegen gegen den Hunger. Available at

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