Food Report 2018: A Shift in the German Food Culture

Food Report 2018: A Shift in the German Food Culture

Regional dietary habits determine whether a diet rich in micronutrients is more or less accepted in everyday life. Following the trend description of the recently published Food Report 2018, the dietary preferences in Germany will change even further in favor of a diet rich in micronutrients.

Hanni Rützler, an expert in trend research predicts a healthy shift in the German food culture: vegetables will move from side dish to the center of the plate and push meat to the edge. In the near future, meat might not so much be replaced by insects etc., but instead substituted by more special prepared vegetables of any kind. Inspirations for entirely new uses of vegetables are gained especially from the Eastern Mediterranean culture, as countries like Israel, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon have a more plant-based food tradition.

At the same time, a new “Natural Food Industry” is going develop further, which will increase the supply of healthy, largely natural foods with proof of origin. With this change described as “de-processing”, the food industry reacts to the customer’s request for low-processed products with fewer additives and auxiliary substances and for more information on the origin and processing of food.


Read and see more:

Food Report 2018. H. Rützler and W. Reiter. available via:

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