Farmer Business Schools (FBS) in Ivory Coast

Farmer Business Schools (FBS) in Ivory Coast

Cocoa is the main source of income for small farmers in West Africa and especially the Ivory Coast. But the revenues are low. Additionally the strongly varying world market prices for cocoa make insecure. Usually, less than two US dollars per household member remain for current expenses per day. In addition to the impoverishment and the lack of education, malnutrition is another result of child Labor.
Besides to financial resources, many cocoa farmers also lack technical knowledge and entrepreneurial skills to achieve income increases using modern Technology.
Farmer Business Schools (FBS) offer remedies through advice and training for efficient and diverse food production, for a skillful management of the company and for the design of a healthy diet.
The project is organized by the German Association for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria and Cameroon with 20 local partners. The 230,000 graduates are consistently regarded as successful.
In this way income could be doubled to quadrupled through crop diversity in the field and the diet of the families has not only been improved in quantity, but also in quality.
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German article: GIZ. Nachhaltige kleinbäuerliche Kakao- und Nahrungswirtschaft in West- und Zentralafrika. Available online via: Das Portal stellt zudem eine Fülle von Informationen über die wirtschaftliche und soziale Situation in der Elfenbeinküste bereit. Vgl. dazu auch das Länder Information Portal. Côte d’Ivoire.

The portal also provides information on the economic and social situation in the Ivory Coast. Read more in the country information portal. Côte d’Ivoire. Available in German via:

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