Digitalization as an Opportunity for Developing Countries to Skip so Far Missing Technology and thus to Quickly Catch Up With the World Market

Digitalization as an Opportunity for Developing Countries to Skip so Far Missing Technology and thus to Quickly Catch Up With the World Market

Even opinion leaders from the economic and political elite of developing and emerging countries confide on digitalization in order to predict their home countries a hopeful future. At the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2016, for example Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, referred to technology as a great egalitarian. Technologies trigger a large multiplier effect, which also benefits in tackling poverty-related problems. The third industrial revolution has not even arrived in many parts of Africa yet. If, however, it is possible to skip this step and to join the fourth revolution right from the beginning and develop digital technologies independently, the connection to the global economy is possible. Education remains the only way to put people in a position to actively help form changes through digitalization.

Read more (unfortunately following source is only avalaible in German):
Kampf um die digitale Dividende Wie sollen Automatisierungsgewinne verteilt werden? Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. 21. Januar 2016. Seite 19. Zugang über den Link:

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