The Measure for Food Security Used by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)

The Measure for Food Security Used by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)

Today, 32 indicators are used by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations for the description of the degree to which the food supply of a state is secured. Among other aspects, the analysis includes the frequency of stunting and undernourishment, of cases of anaemia in pregnant women and in small children as well as of Vitamin A and iodium deficiencies, access to clean water and proper sanitary facilities, the relation between the production, the import and the export of foodstuffs, the road and rail conditions and many aspects more.

Comprehensive lists (available as download data) give an insight into the development of these parameters in Zambia by international comparison since 1990 until now.

Read more:

FAO. Food Security Indicators.

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