Cyanobacteria against Malnutrition in Kenya

Cyanobacteria against Malnutrition in Kenya

Cyanobacteria against Malnutrition in Kenya

Students from Regensburg turn unfavorable conditions for the Kenyan agriculture around Lake Turkana in Kenya into an opportunity to reduce malnutrition. The high salt content and the extreme pH value of the water in addition to the hot climate of that area create intolerable living conditions  for plants and livestock or aquaculture animals. The project group Thriving Green regards conventional agriculture as impossible and came up with an innovative idea:

Spirulina (blue-green algae) can also grow under extreme conditions. They are micronutrient-rich and the dried product can be processed into mash or eaten as vegetable.

The Thriving Green Group is currently constructing a cultivation farm of Spirulina-Cyano-Algae on an area of 1,200 m2 on Lake Turkana, to provide around 400 Kenyans with micronutrient-rich food.


Read and see more:
Thriving Green. Power to Grow. Enactus Regensburg. Website available via:

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