Cidades Sem Fome: Cities Without Hunger

Cidades Sem Fome: Cities Without Hunger

The Brazilian city of Sao Paulo is leading by example: in recesses on public areas community gardens emerge. Impoverished people grow vegetables, sell them, and earn extra money. More importantly, for many of the customers, the affordable produce from the community gardens are their only chance to get fresh, micronutrient-rich foods. The city of Sao Paulo is also creating school gardens with similar objectives.

The project “Community Gardens” is organized and scientifically supported by the non-governmental organization Cidades sem fome (Cities without Hunger). This work is also supported through a German office. A sub-project, Agricultural Greenhouses, received start-up financing from the Swiss embassy in Sao Paulo.

Read and see more:
Cidades sem fome. Website:
Cities without Hunger – community gardens. Website of the case study:

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