The role of a father in fighting hunger in a home

Short description

We need to see what the fathers have done to provide a living to their families. The question is: Have men played their role to see that homes have food in the house and how about their responsibilities?

The problem we aim to solve

Providing at least two meals to each household in Uganda because most families not only in rural areas but even in urban centers have failed to provide at least two meals to their kids. The few that have food they don’t eat a balanced diet but this wouldn’t matter if at least they had something to eat as a meal than having black tea even without sugar.

Our solution

If each Ugandan family had a responsible dad/father, with the little income that each house has, at least every home would be ready to have a meal for their growing families. But today in Uganda most men have neglected their responsibilities, having the kids under the care of one parent yet parenthood should be a collective responsibility.

The innovativeness of our approach

If I woke up each day seeing my parents working as a team even if their income wouldn’t be enough I believe we could kick hunger out of the country. So teaching men to accept their responsibilities would help in bringing up a family thus kicking out hunger.

Technologies and Methods

  • Creating awareness through Facebook, Instagram
  • and also creating campaigns where both members of the family are met and talked to about ways of kicking out hunger out of a family
  • through open air campaigns for men so that they can come back to their families and do their responsibilities

Potential Partners

  • The government because most men in Uganda take it for granted they don’t take care of their homes
  • The ministries should stand up and educate the masses more so we should have strict rules in a home


Voting ends on June 24, 2018, 11:59 pm (CEST).

The role of a father in fighting hunger in a home

Team: Odra Nalubega

Moses Jok

Hillary Musamgumuja

Moses Semdebwa

Prolly Nakibemgo

Peter Obo

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