Improved Nutrition for Ugandan poor Child

Short description

Improved Nutrition for Ugandan Poor Child (INUPC), is an NGO working with local community to improve children nutrition through promotion of bio-fortified crops and fruit trees.

The problem we aim to solve

The local communities where hidden hunger is more rampant have largely depended on their locally indigenous grown crops such as root tubers, grains, fruit crops, banana and vegetable of which most of these lack important nutrients like vitamins (vit. E, B complex, A and C ) and micro nutrients( iron, phospherous, calcium, zinc) as a result of poor agronomic practices that has left soils exhausted lead to low yields and the crops genotypic characteristics.

Our solution

The project will devote a good portion of project intervention to farmer field days and cooking competitions/ camps where the appropriate food preparation and preservation methods will be extended to participants. The major emphasis will be put on cultural methods of crop growing targeting on more production of organic foods which are relatively cheap to produce in rural areas. To bridge the gap scarcity during dry season drought resistant crops and irrigation methods will be taught to farmers. Wastage of surplus food crops especially the root tubers and vegetables can be conserved for use during time of scarcity in dry season. The appropriate way of conserving such materials is by use of solar driers.. This drying enables a prolonged storage period and eases marketability of such material to a wider market area than marketing of fresh material.

Accessibility to clean water is also another important factor to consider fighting against hidden hunger. In rural areas clean water can be accessed to local communities through rain water harvesting techniques during rainy season, construction of protected shallow water wells, water purification mechanisms. The enrolment of the projects into school will help the school going children to acquire knowledge and skills of agricultural production, food handling and processing through their agricultural clubs.

The innovativeness of our approach

The community based approach gives a deeper sense of project ownership to a community. In rural areas growing vegetables may be cheaper than managing animal farms. The multi stakeholder approach is so innovative in that the factors that affect the intake of nutrients and the possibilities of the project failing to meet its objectives are minimized as much as possible. The different channels of information helps in reaching a wider range of stakeholders. The enrollment of the project in schools allows children to copy the ideas in their homes.

Technologies and Methods

  • Farmer field days and Farm visits; Farmer field day a special occasion that will be organized mostly at the peak of growing season where different activities pertaining the growing crop are done
  • Print media such as T-shirts, caps and school bags
  • Farmer groups; Farmer groups are organized individual farmers who come together to share knowledge in achieving a common goal
  • School agricultural clubs
  • Agricultural camps and competitions
  • Local radio stations
  • Church Announcements
  • Community meetings

Potential Partners

  • Local Governing Councils. The political will is so much important in success of any project in a given community.
  • Health Center Units
  • WorldVision: the structures set by this organization can also be used by
  • Samaritan Purse Uganda, a relief organization also working with disadvantaged communities
  • National Agricultural Research Organization
  • College Food and Nutrition, Makerere University
  • Caritas Uganda


Voting ends on June 24, 2018, 11:59 pm (CEST).

Improved Nutrition for Ugandan poor Child

Team: Musika Rogious

Aharinta k. Faith

Tumwesigye Gerald

Niwobuhungiro Mirrias

Turyahebwa Vereriano

Mugore Rhitah

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