Go Green – Serve Amaranth (Dodo) on every Meal

Short description

Amaranth is commonly known as “dodo” by locals in Uganda. Incorporating it into daily meals is a cheapest lethal weapon to fighting hidden hunger amongst Uganda’s home steads. It is easy to grow, easy to cook and can be persons of all ages.

The problem we aim to solve

Despite Uganda being considered the food basket of East Africa with abundance of almost all foods and vegetables, it has also been found out that Uganda has the biggest number of malnourished persons in the region. This is because we focus on quantity and ignore quality. In Uganda, Amaranth (dodo) – despite it being an easy to grow and cook vegetable; it is ignored and sometimes uprooted as a weed from the gardens. Incorporating this easy to grow, easy to cook and readily available vegetable into our daily meals is the cheapest, sure way of fighting hidden hunger in Uganda.

Our solution

Using readily available plastic waste materials (bags and containers) by filling them up with soil and using bottle drip irrigation we can easily create a vegetable garden for each homestead. Tis will guarantee constant supply of vegetables throughout the year. Through sensitization of communities on the benefits of Amaranth (dodo) and its nutritional benefits, people can be easily encouraged and willingly grow and incorporate amaranth into their daily meals to avoid hidden hunger.

The innovativeness of our approach

What is particularly innovative; is that using an abundantly available vegetable whose nutritional value is enormous but ignored by most and incorporating it into our daily meals to solve an enormous malnutrition problem across the whole country. It is also using what is considered as waste (plastic bags and containers) and turning it into a medium for growing vegetables that are a big source of nutrients for the body.

Technologies and Methods

A very cheap and user-friendly bottle-drip irrigation is used to irrigate the plants to ensure constant supply of water hence constant supply of the vegetable throughout the year. The steaming method of cooking the vegetable on top of other cooking or boiling foods saves energy and hence the environment. The bags can be grown in waste plastic bags and containers which would have degraded the environment. This is a cheaper of way protecting the environment from plastic waste disposal.

Potential Partners

  • Ministry of Education and Sports
  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • The operation wealth creation program
  • The local leaders
  • The media outlet for the sensitization programs
  • International research and funding partners


Das Voting endet am 24. Juni 2018, 23:59 Uhr.

Go Green - Serve Amaranth (Dodo) on every Meal

Team: Martha Ninsiima


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