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365 Days of Ending Hidden Hunger

Short description

An application for ideas and sensitisation

Which problem do I/we aim to solve ‐ and why?

This idea aims to end Hidden Hunger by providing a platform that will be able to inform everybody about the micronutirent deficiency and providing knowledge about the ways to prevent Hidden Hunger (e.g. dietary diversification, supplements, etc.). The main issue here: 46% of Africans staple-based diet is composed of cereals.

Our/My idea for a solution

The app is designed with the goal in mind to to better ones live within one year. Once installed/subscribed, the app will show a list of the countries regularly available food grouped by the most important containt nutrients. The user may enter a selection of food available and will be provided with the best choice in terms of his diet. The app keeps track of that and will therefor inform the user, saving future health costs and potentially lives.

Why is my/our solution an innovative idea and tackles the challenge from a new perspective

The idea is innovative in the sense that it utilizes the latest technology which is also widely available in Zambia. Additionally it implements locally prevelant food to make sure people can actually follow recommendations. It respects local food culture and therefore strives for greater acceptance in the populace.

How is my/our idea feasible?

The idea does only require a smartphone once it’s developed, which is affordably at a low cost. It offers different, tailored diets for all people and repeatedly notifies if the daily diet is not recommendable by monitoring the food people eat during a day.

Which methods and channels do I/we want to utilise?

The main channel is the mobile, leveraging a unique app and using the GSM network. Offering a low cost subscription for daily diets.

What’s my/our expected outcome and improvement?

The expected outcome is an education of the massen about the importance of a good diet. The app will provide the user with information they need to improve their health.

What's my/our budget and which partners I/we would expect to be valuable

Application development including a website: ~2.650€

Partners: Local infotech government firm ZICTA

365 Days of Ending Hidden Hunger

Team: Mark Mafuleka

1 Response

  1. Wanji Maluba

    I think its a well thought out idea and is sure to prolong lives in the long run. so, how do i help?

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