The Baobab Tree-Project - Trees for improved nutrition in East Africa

The Baobab Tree-Project – Trees for improved nutrition in East Africa

The baobab tree, also commonly known as monkey-bread tree is native to many regions of Africa. Their edible fruits and leaves contain many vitamins, dietary minerals and antioxidants.

In Kenya, Sudan and Malawi the BAOFOOD project analyses how baobab trees can be planted more sustainably and more effectively and how be better conserved and marketed locally.

Under the direction of the Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences, German and British cooperation partners from research institutions, non-governmental organizations and companies are seeking a way to secure food in East Africa.

Read and see more

BAOFOOD Projekt. Website. Available online: K. Kehlenbeck. 2016. Trees for improved nutrition. Presentation available under:

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