On Hold

On Hold

Aachen, July 1st 2017

After long periods of rain, the absence of sun days and technical problems, the installation in Zambia is unfortunately currently out of order. The facility operators asked us for a redesign of the fish tank, which is why the focus of our project team is now on researching and obtaining comparative data for the elaboration of effective adaptations of the fish tank. It must be guaranteed that our concept is fully functional in rainy seasons as well with a consistently high fishing harvest. This is essential to ensure the facility operators the monthly additional food and money deposits. To this end, we have – together with our partners in Zambia – found an enlarged solar panel and a battery with higher storage capacity in Zambia. Thus the previous absorption capacity of solar radiation as well as the storage volume of the solar energy can be increased. We are also planning to increase the pumping capacity in order to further increase the water circulation in the tank and thus the oxygen supply and water quality. By means of these measures, we hope to put the plant back into operation as soon as possible and to provide the operators with the promised fish harvest for the long term.

Update December 2017: After many intensive conversations, we are sad to announce that the Assmann Foundation for Prevention had to terminate the collaboration with the members of the Samaki project.

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