
Short description

Transdermal-Patch for the combat of micronutrient deficiency in Zambia.

Which problem do I/we aim to solve ‐ and why?

Worldwide 2 billion people suffer from a lack of micronutrients, meaning various vitamins and trace elements. The problem does not only affect children but adults and especially pregnant women as well. Because of the life long lasting effects of micronutrient deficiencies, the problem has an intergenerational characteristic. This deficit, especially on zinc and vitamin A, prevails in the project-country Zambia too. Combating the deficit occurs on three levels. While the first long-term solution, food-diversification, depends on several hardly influenceable aspects (eg. climate change, political situation), the mid- to short-term and the most widely used solutions like food-fortification and supplementation show failures due to the nature of the submission of nutrients, meaning oral administration.

My/Our idea for a solution

Transdermal Patch is a drug-containing patch, which is put anywhere on the skin and releases its contents directly into the bloodstream for a specified period of time (eg. one week). Thanks to the bypassing of the gastrointestinal tract and the so-called first-pass effect of the liver, the transdermal patch has a much higher efficiency compared to oral medication, also in cases of infections and other diseases. Since people with a micronutrient deficiency are more susceptible to infections, it is important to instead of oral administration maintain the effectiveness of supplementation otherwise.

Two transdermal patches with different contents for pregnant women (Zn, vit. B9, Fe) and children (Zn, vit. A) can, through higher effectiveness and efficiency, provide a leap to the approach of nutrient supplements.

Why is my/our solution an innovative idea and tackles the challenge from a new

Besides the advantages of oral supplementation (previous question), the transdermal patch has a better compliance of those affected. The usage is made more easy through: simple handling and application, longer durability of the active compound and reduced application frequency compared to a daily oral intake. A better cost-benefit ratio is in turn achieved through the low number of applications (eg. once a week).

How is my/our idea feasible?

The existing transdermal patches must be modified by making the required micronutrients the contents of the patch. Then, the patches are distributed through health institutions or health organizations. Thanks to the seldom application, the patches needed for one year (eg. 50 patches per person) can be issued at a single appointment annually.

Which methods and channels do I/we want to utilise?

Research approach for the production of the requied product. Notification of individuals via media and institutions about the possibility of new nutritional supplement

What’s my/our expected outcome and improvement?

Reduction of micronutrient deficiencies, remedy the consequences of the deficiency, improved learning achievement of children and improved working performance of adults. The positive effects will not only be reflected in the overall health statistics in the country (eg. lower mortality rates in children) but also in the development of the economic performance.

What's my/our budget and which partners I/we would expect to be valuable

Pharmacological companies that are active in the production of the transdermal patch, could be valuable for the implementation of this idea. Since the supplementation already has an important place in the problem solving, the channels of distribution of the current replacements can be valuable as a partner. A budget of about € 50,000-100,000 may be needed for the research approach in the production of these patches.


Team: Can Kuseyri

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